We recognize that a great school has great parental support and engagement. The PTO is working hard to plan events and activities for students and teachers at SciTech. SciTech PTO is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Please join us! You can help even if you are not available to come to our meetings. Please contact us at info@scitechpto.org!
Get in touch with the SciTech PTO
Questions? Interested in volunteering to help? Email info@scitechpto.org
Contributions Welcome!
Where do your funds go? Teacher requests for class materials and activities, student organization items, recognize staff during Teacher Appreciation Week, sponsor family events and much more!
Please consider making a donation to show your support!
You can make a donation through PayPal OR through Venmo (@SciTechPTO)- please put donation in the Memo.
Upcoming SciTech PTO events
PTO Meeting: 2/17/25, 6pm online via Teams
Memory Tiles- For Sale until March 20 ($20)
Students, groups, teams, teachers...
Design a tile to be installed permanently at SciTech. Artwork, pictures, words - get it ready! Designs can be emailed to scitechptoTILES@hotmail.com, or submitted on paper to Mrs. Theuret in room 218. Full details: SciTech PTO - Memory Tiles
Gear Sale
The Spring Gear Sale store will open on 3/3/25.
The SciTech PTO Sarris Candies Fundraiser is on from NOW through April 13.
Order your favorites for delivery to your home, and the SciTech PTO earns 25% profit!
Group ID #: 10-2777 Organization name: Sci Tech Academy PTO
Box Tops for Education - Get the app and support SciTech!
Your tax-deductible donations are greatly appreciated! Please donate by check made out to SciTech PTO or click here to donate via PayPal or credit card.
Stay up to date on SciTech
Provide your email address to Ms. Theuret stheuret1@pghschools.org to receive weekly emails, including PTO announcements
Follow us on Twitter @SciTechPTO
Like @pittsburghscitech on Facebook and Join the Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/996540647385358)
PTO Executive Board 2024-2025
President: Kim Martyn ksortwell@hotmail.com or president@scitechpto.org
Vice President: Andy Kubis andydanyo@gmail.com
Treasurer: Heather Frye wordsbyheather@aol.com
Secretary: Brent Frye bfryedataguy@gmail.com
Parent Engagement Liaison: Ms. Stephanie Theuret stheuret1@pghschools.org
PTO Standing Committee Chairs 2024-2025
Sports and Activities Liaison: Kim Neely
Fall Science and Technology Festival: VOLUNTEER NEEDED
Volunteer Coordinator: VOLUNTEER NEEDED
Audit Committee and Donation Drive: VOLUNTEER NEEDED
Gear Sale: Jenifer Grodes jgrodes@yahoo.com
Restaurant Fundraisers: VOLUNTEER NEEDED
Teacher appreciation: VOLUNTEER NEEDED
Newsletter: Heather Frye wordsbyheather@aol.com
Website: Lorrie Cranor lorrie@cmu.edu & Jennifer McGlothin jmmontin@gmail.com
SciTech school website maintained by SciTech teachers
A+ Schools: Pittsburgh's Community Alliance for Public Education