Easy fundraiser... no need to buy or sell anything!
Post date: Nov 15, 2015 4:00:20 AM
This fundraiser is in lieu of sending students home with the task of selling door-to-door, collecting money, and delivering goods. Please help us avoid that by supporting our PTO with your donation, which will help us achieve our goals to support our students and teachers. PTO donations are used to provide funds for educational field trips, enrichment and reward activities, special events, and requests from our teachers.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Suggested donations (all 100% tax-deductible):
__ $15 I do not want to bake, so here is the money I would have spent on cupcakes
__ $25 I do not want to hit up friends, family, and co-workers, so here is the money I would have spent buying wrapping paper or candy
__ $50 I do not want to walk, swim, or run in any activity that has the word “thon” in it, so here is the money I would have spent to get the “free” t-shirt
__ $100 I don’t want to attend any fancy balls, so here is the money I would have spent on a new outfit
__ $200 I would rather have Mr. McNeil walking around the school in a suit and tie, so here is the money I would have spent to send him to the roof wearing a chicken costume
$____________ I am making this tax-deductible donation to express my support for SciTech students and teachers and my appreciation for having nothing to buy, sell, or do except fill out this form
You may donate by check or PayPal. Checks may be made out to SciTech PTO and mailed to SciTech along with this form or returned to Ms. Theuret in room 218. To donate using PayPal or credit card, click here.
We will acknowledge donors by name in our PTO newsletter unless you prefer to remain anonymous. Please let us know!